A motivated young real estate agent named Hank Berman took lead-generation a little bit too far this Tuesday. In a desperate attempt to catch a former seller while she was home, Hank took to the common method of door-knocking. Hank said that he went to the home every day for two months in hopes to catch a glimpse of the owner. “I saw her pull out of her garage once,” Hank muttered. “But, I couldn’t run fast enough in my dress shoes and ended up tripping like an idiot.” Hank claims that he knocked on the owner’s door at least three times a day. An anonymous neighbor says he began to recognize Hank’s car and thought about calling the cops. This Tuesday, Hank took it a little bit too far. “I had switched door-knocking fists every other time to distribute the blows evenly,” Hank claimed. “But, Tuesday I was determined and went with my dominant right just one last time. Man, that door is f***ing solid.” Hank ended up fracturing his wrist and breaking three of his proximal phalanges on the second knock. A local jogger found Hank crippled on the ground and called an ambulance. Hank blames his persistence on the direction from his boss, who said: “do whatever it takes to get a meeting.”