10 Songs That Will Get You Through Anything In Real Estate

When you are halfway home after an open house and you realize you left your charger in the kitchen.

When you are on your way to a listing appointment and you are trying to get pumped up.

When you find out your best friend of twenty years used another realtor to purchase a new home.

When a sexy Escrow rep strolls into your open house.

When you close Escrow and get a fat commission check.

When the seller shows up before your open house is finished. 

When you are driving to the office and you realize that you can make a shit ton of money in real estate and have a sudden second-wind to your career despite years of underperforming.

When your seller decides to go with another agent and your listing expires.

When you are sitting a dead open house and the seller will not leave.

When your Title Rep gives you a weekly update on his marathon training for thirty minutes.