8 Things Real Estate Agents Hate

1) When someone asks the question: "What school district is this in?"

I don't know why this question pisses me off so much, but it does. Of course a couple would want to know which school their kids might attend. It is obviously very important. I just never have it memorized and it angers me.

2) When you get an email from a buyer saying: "We actually found a place on our own."

WTF? What does that even mean? You walked into an open house and wrote an offer with the listing agent? This is the kind of thing that sends realtors to therapy.

3) When another agent in your office gets an absurd listing that is completely unjustified.

This is kind of like when your buddy hooks up with a girl that is way out of his league. On the surface you are happy for him, but at the same time you can't help yourself from being slightly jealous. When a shit agent gets a massive listing it is infuriating. You always justify it in your own head by saying something like: "he/she probably knows the seller or did some sort of sexual favor for them." 

4) When you get scheduled to do inspections all day Saturday.


As much as I love chilling with the termite guy and talking about dry rot, I would rather be slamming mimosas with my friends. Inspection period is a great time to lay off Snapchat. 

5) When another agent lectures you about their 24 hour showing policy.

We are on the same team. I am trying to help you. I am bringing a buyer to your overpriced listing that has been festering on the market for three months. We all understand the policy. Please vocalize your availability without being a complete dick about it.

6) When your friends ask you what you do all day. 

Yes, I get it. I do not work 9AM-5PM in a miserable office all day. I watched the first three seasons of Game of Thrones and emailed a couple of potential buyers.

7) When your buyer magically decides they want to start looking in another area after seeing 20 homes within a two mile radius.

For those of you who do not understand the reference: John Kerry "flip-flopped" his policy issues throughout his whole presidential campaign. I am comparing this to when buyers decide they want to live in a completely different area.

8) When your new seller can't stop complaining about their previous agent.

This should be an immediate red flag. Most likely, it is the seller who was at fault and would not cooperate with their old agent. Also, if this person is talking shit about their "ex," they will most likely talk shit about you.