1) Because it makes searching the MLS a hell of a lot more interesting. Get high and do a map search on the Malibu coast from $10-30 million. You will feel powerful with your MLS privileges.
2) Because it makes your property descriptions a lot more creative. Ever wonder why agents use words like "picturesque, tranquil, and desirable" to puff up their listings? It's because they're high.
3) Because it helps you fall back asleep after your seller texts you at two in the morning to ask you if you left on a light in the pantry.
4) Because it cures your hangovers before your early showings and opens.
5) Because it's cheaper than other drugs and it makes you need less booze.
6) Because it could be the one thing you have in common with your clients. People bond over vices. If your seller is a stoner I guarantee you they will appreciate you more if you bring up the fact that you have a one-hitter stashed in your glove compartment.
7) Because it makes the stale cookies at opens taste amazing.
8) Because your seller has a drawer full of it in their bedside table (just kidding).
9) Because your buyer just called you and told you he's going to rent after six months of showings.
10) Because there is no better feeling than rolling up a massive blunt after a closing.
11) Because it makes you cooler.