Five Reasons to Work With A Millennial Real Estate Agent

1) Quick Response Time

You don't have to wait fourteen hours to get a response from a millennial. Chances are, we are already on our phones flicking through Instagram or SnapChatting our sashimi. Also, we are constantly checking our email to check our transaction history on Venmo. 

2) Tech Savvy

We actually know how to use our phones and utilize the newest apps and technologies to help keep our clients updated. A lot of "experienced" agents are afraid to adopt new strategies because their traditional ways have worked in the past. Millennials are open to evolve. 

3) Emotional Involvement

This may be a good thing or it may be a bad thing. But, when a transaction falls apart we don't just go back home and carry on with our lives. We go to the bar and rip fourteen tequila shots to deal with the emotional stress and loss of commission. We take it personally. But, we wake up determined (and hungover) to make sure that the next deal does go through. We can't cope with failure. 

4) Personal Experience

Most millennial realtors do not have an entire team working for them. We deal with our clients personally. Clients won't have to fight through a wave of assistants and unpaid interns to talk to us. We do our own work and we sit our own open houses. 

5) We Party

When a deal closes we want to party with you. Hell, when a deal doesn't close we want to party with you. Either way, we know how to have fun and make light of situations that some agents would take too seriously. Also, we play sick music on the way to showings and we make you feel cool when we hand you the keys.