Seven Dating Hacks That Only Work For Realtors

1) The "Crazy Seller" Technique

Having sketchy late night phone calls with someone you shouldn't be? Not a problem. Your seller is insane and will not leave you alone.

2) "The Showing Excuse" aka "The Inspection Excuse" aka "The Appointment Excuse" 

Your girl wants to hike on a Sunday morning? Nope. You have an inspection. Your boyfriend wants to meet for drinks with a frat dude that you hate? Nope. You have a twilight photo shoot. Remember, realtors have a permanent excuse to get out of anything. 

3) The "LockBox" Technique

Live in a high security apartment building on the top floor? Sick of going down to get your significant other? Don't trust him/her enough yet to give them a copy of your key? Not ready for that step in the relationship? Throw a lockbox on a tree outside and your problem is solved. 

4) The "Prospecting" Technique

At a bar? Boyfriend is in the bathroom? Hot guy buys you a drink and works in private equity? Boyfriend comes back? You were prospecting a potential client who is "about to have a baby" and is looking for a house for his new family.

5) The "I have a lot on my mind" Technique

Having trouble performing sexually? Finishing immediately? Never finishing? You are really sorry, but all you can think about is your listing appointment tomorrow.

6) The "It's just the other agent" Technique

Getting unknown number texts from your side piece? Nope. It's the other agent. Every random number can be covered up.  

7) The "I used it for staging" Technique

Spent all your money on processed juices? Gambled away your engagement ring? Pawning all of your furniture to stay afloat? No problem! You used the sofa for staging your listing and will bring it back when it sells.