What Millennials Look For In A Home

Today, Century 21 posted a blog post titled "What Millennials Look For In A Home." The article started with a generic, thoughtless blurb about millennials and their affinity for technology before concluding that "each client is different." Thank you for those blanket words of wisdom. After reading the most thoughtless paragraph ever conceived, the article attempted to list four characteristics that millennials looked for in a home with this witless diagram below:

Despite my apparent anger, I am glad that this was written because it so clearly displays the massive disconnect between generations in the real estate industry. It also shows how horribly empty some of the content is that our industry puts out. Now, as a millennial (and having sold homes/condos to millennials) I will comment on Century 21's primitive list and explain why this article should have never been written.

1) Internet connection and outlets: I am trying to make my articles a little bit more SFW but are you fucking kidding me? A home with internet connection and an abundance of outlets!? Every single person on the planet wants a home with WiFi and outlets unless they are Amish. Never in my life have I ever heard a single person say, "please find me a home with an abundance of outlets." Can you imagine even having that conversation? "Yeah I really loved the home, but I just didn't see enough places to plug in all of my shit." I am going to write that in my next property description: "Incredible location! Stunning views! 79 outlets! The fastest internet in the neighborhood!"  

2) Exercise Area:  Yes, millennials like to workout just as much as any generation. Health is a priority for all generations. In fact, most millennials that I know prefer to not have an exercise area in their house because they want/have memberships at gyms and Yoga studios. We like to get out of the house and see people. We aren't trying to scrap together a couple of Bowflex lat pull downs before we put the kids to sleep. Wrong generation.

3) Outdoor Space: Read the description in the diagram. THEY like using the word "they" like we are a bunch of brainless dogs that like to run around the grass and mark our territory. Instead of saying that we "value" our time outdoors. THEY could have at least made the argument that millennials are starting families and would potentially like outdoor space for kids. 

4) Kitchen: Oh, thanks for the advice! Now that I read this I will make sure to find my millennial buyer a place with a kitchen. They should have just continued the list and added "bathroom" and "closet" because millennials like to take shits and hang up their clothes.

Do you think anyone read this article and actually thinks they gained knowledge on the millennial home buyer? The answer is no. I can't believe the content that is being put out there. If you want to lose brain cells, here is a link to Hemingway's list: http://www.century21.com/real-estate-blog/what-millennials-look-for-in-a-home/