Three Situations Only Realtors Will Understand

Right now I am sitting at a Starbucks in Santa Monica thinking about what to write. There are ten other trendy, overpriced coffee shops within a one mile radius of me, but I decided to go with the house of the Pumpkin Spice. The main reason I chose to work here is because there are less attractive girls at Starbucks than at "Primo Cafe or Groundworks." Honestly, I am not a huge fan of what I am wearing right now and I don't like making eye contact with hot yoga bloggers while I try to write about open houses. 

Anyway, I just went to the bathroom and didn't ask anyone to watch my computer. I looked around at the characters (mostly balding men with non-apple laptops and ugly dogs) and thought to myself, "I'm just going pee nobody will take it." Sure enough, my hypothesis was correct. This compelling event led to the creation of my topic: comparing real estate circumstances with normal, ever day situations.


When you let the other agent use the keys to your listing without you being there. Even though you "promised" the listing agent that you would be at every showing/inspection/ decided to take the risk and let the buyer's agent do a "really quick walk through" with their client.


This is exactly like leaving your lap top unwatched at a coffee shop. You know you probably shouldn't do it, but you also know there is an extremely slim chance that something will actually happen to it. Nobody has the guts to steal your laptop....Just like nothing bad will happen at that showing...except when the buyer's agent loses your keys and then you lose the listing. 


2) REAL ESTATE SCENARIO: When you tell the other agent to "let you know if any offers come in." Without following up with the other agent, you find out the property is in Escrow. You get upset and in your mind you are thinking, "I told that asshole to let me know." But, in reality it is on YOU to follow up.

COMPARED TO REAL LIFE: Picture this: you are sitting at a red light looking at your phone. After scrolling through twenty memes of Kylie Jenner you notice that the light is green, and that the car across from you in the left turn lane has gone despite your right-away. You probably mutter to yourself, "what a prick."

But, in REALITY it was YOUR fault for looking at your phone while ignoring the tap-honks behind you. This situation always makes me feel a little guilty for about five seconds before I start looking at my phone again. 


3) REAL ESTATE SCENARIO: When a friend says: "I know someone that needs an agent and is looking for a place!" This statement without fail gives us an eargasm. But, when it is followed with: "yeah they are looking for a six month rental" it makes our heart sink. You immediately go from a thrilling rush of adrenaline to: "do I even really want to deal with this." 

COMPARED TO REAL LIFE: Again, picture this: you are sitting on your couch on Saturday night hoping that your crush will text you asking if, "you are going out." Out of nowhere, your phone makes that magical ding, lights up, and ignites your brain into a frenzy. This is it. This is her/him. Then you look at your phone and it's from your mom urging to call your uncle back. Dramatic highs and lows come with the business. They also come with life.