7 Apps Real Estate Agents Must Have

A real, up to date list of apps that real estate agents should actually use to make their day a little bit more manageable.

1) Instagram

Instagram is the best time waster for open houses, inspections, or any time you hit a red light. It is the perfect way to act like you are reading an email when you are really flicking through bikini models or pictures of other Realtors that make way more money than you. If you do not have Instagram, you are an idiot. If you do have Instagram, follow the @TheBrokeAgent because I will tell you exactly what you are thinking at that particular moment.

Available on: Web, Android, iOS

Price: Free

2) Waze

Waze is the world's largest community-based traffic and navigation app that gets you places quicker in your car. This is the best app to use when you are late as hell to a showing and your client wants to decapitate you. If you use Google Maps you are a rookie.

Available on: Web, Android, iOS

Price: Free

3) Zillow

In case you forget what school district your tear down is in, this app will help you remember all of your specs with the click of a button. It is also a great tool to pull comps and get price estimates (joke).

Available on: Web, Android, iOS

Price: Free

4) Homesnap

Home Snap is like Snapchat except with no nudes and it is not fun at all. Simply take a picture of a house to find out all about it. It includes the most up-to-date data directly from the MLS and allows you to send homes directly to your clients. Unfortunately, I do not have any clients so this app is basically useless.

Available on: Web, Android, iOS

Price: Free

5) Tinder

If you are single, which you probably are, you should be hitting this hard all day. It is the best lead generation tool out there. It is the hot or not of dating apps. But remember, like real estate, it is a numbers game. My advice is to immediately send your phone number as your opener. It has garnered a 50% success rate for responses and almost an equal success rate to number extractions. I have always said that there should be a Tinder for house hunting. I think it would be extremely successful. You heard it here first.

Available on: Web, Android, iOS

Price: Free

6) Postmates

Postmates is transforming the way local goods move around a city by enabling anyone to get any product delivered in under one hour. Postmates' revolutionary urban logistics & on-demand delivery platform connects customers with local couriers, who purchase and deliver goods from any restaurant or store in a city...AKA you can get anything you want delivered to your open.

Available on: Web, Android, iOS

Price: Free

7) Pandora

Pandora is free, personalized radio that plays music. You never have to make another playlist again. Put on the "Chill Out" station and forever transform your open houses into a spa-like oasis.

Available on: Web, Android, iOS

Price: Free